Kelapa Bag

Sale Price:€34.00 Original Price:€68.00

Meet KELAPA (coconut in Indonesian) - the essential macrame bag hand-crafted in Bali and Barcelona. A special collaboration with my creative and down-to-earth sister Clara (@ameditar).

“Era mi último día en Bali antes de volver a España. Iba conduciendo mi moto, cómo quién saborea algo que sabe que pronto terminará. Me acuerdo que llovía pero no me importó, pensé “ni aunque llueva este será un mal momento”. Había recorrido ese camino otras veces pero no me había fijado en una pequeña tienda de artesanías en el margen de la carretera. Algo me dijo que parara. Aparqué y entré refugiándome de la lluvia, con la inercia no me quité las chanclas, y tuve que retroceder para no mancharlo todo. Volví a entrar y saludando “apa kabar?” me encontré con la sonrisa paciente de Samuk. Fue instantáneo. Vi los bolsos y lo supe. Hice una videollamada con Elena. 

- “Hola Elen, ¿hacemos una colab.?” Y ahí nació Kelapa Bag. De la improvisación, de un paseo en moto bajo las lluvia, de la sensación de libertad y melancolía. De la afinidad entre dos hermanas que a pesar de la distancia, se sentían bien cerca. Quería llevarme un trocito de Bali. De lo que este lugar significó para mí. Para que en las manos de Elena, se transformara en algo aún más valioso, si cabe.” - Clara, A·Meditar

in English:

“It was my last day in Bali before going back to Spain. I was driving my motorcycle, like someone who enjoys something that they know will soon end. I remember that it was raining but I didn't care, I thought “even if it rains this won't be a bad moment”. I had walked that road before but I had not noticed a small handicrafts shop on the side of the road. Something told me to stop. I parked and went inside taking refuge from the rain, with inertia I didn't take off my flip-flops, and I had to go back so as not to stain everything with mud. I went back inside and greeted “apa kabar?” I met the smile of the kind Samuk. It was instant. I saw the bags and I knew it. I made a video call with Elena.

- "Hello Elen, shall we do a collaboration?" And that’s how the Kelapa Bag was born. From improvisation, from a motorcycle ride under the rain, from the feeling of freedom and melancholy. Of the affinity between two sisters who, despite the distance, felt very close. I wanted to take a little piece of Bali with me. Of what this place meant to me. So that in Elena's hands, it would become something even more valuable, if possible." - Clara, A Meditar


  • macrame bag is woven with coconut fiber in Bali

  • adjustable inside bag made of raw cotton (+ handles with typical cotton from Bali) sewn in Barcelona

  • dimensions: length 62 cm/width 44 cm

  • functional, lightweight, and limited edition


  • the inside bag is machine washable, max. 30º

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